Bump Style Box
I know it may seem silly but having actual maternity clothes this time around (as opposed to going up a size or wearing my husband's t-shirts) has made me actually enjoy getting ready for the day instead of absolutely dreading it! Even better? Having someone else pull pieces just for you, sending a whole box of goodies to try on, and keeping whatever works best for your body + style! Bump Style Box was an answer from the maternity heavens! All you have to do is sign up, fill out a survey so your stylist can get a feel for what you like, and a box of beauties shows right up at your doorstep!It was such a personalized experience down to the handwritten note from my stylist, Hannah. I tried on everything in the comfort of my own home and ended up keeping a few pieces and sending back a few pieces. It was so nice not to have to drag my littles to a store, wrangle them in the dressing room while I'm quickly trying everything on and ending up leaving totally frustrated because I couldn't even enjoy the experience. Anyone feel me on shopping with little kids?!
Any service that makes a mama's life easier + feel prettier is a-ok in my book! You can order your first box here!-LWPH