Holden, Travellittlew8

>baby's first road trip

Holden, Travellittlew8

>As I said yesterday, we will be trekking to Midland this afternoon. This will be Holden's first road trip and I'm scared because he just started liking his car seat. This might reverse it! Nooooooo! A friend suggested stopping every 90 minutes. I think that's a good idea. It's a long enough stretch of time that we will get there before the sun rises and short enough that we will have plenty of stops for nursing, diaper changes, to stretch our legs. Thanks for the tip, Stephanie! Does anyone else have tips for road tripping it with a little one?

What I don't want:

What I do want:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The real test of patience will be Monday when [still not set in stone] Lori & I drive back with a 4-year-old, an almost 2-year-old, and a 5-month-old. Will we make it back with our sanity in tack? Stay tuned...

-Little Wife Power House