>Happy 4 Monthday, Holden!
>Nicknames: Bubbles, Bubba, Holdenbear
Temperament: You are really interactive now. You laugh and smile a lot when I kiss you and make fart noises [very mature of me] on your tummy. You laughed for the first time this month! You're still a little particular but I think you're getting better. You put a smile on everyone's faces when they see you.
Things I Could Do Without: Lately you've been getting up 3+ times in the middle of the night (I think you're hitting a growth spurt). You started to clamp down during nursing! OUCHHHHH! I tell you "NO!" and you just smile at me. Urg. You started peeing in between diaper changes again...twice today. Your skin is still having issues and I worry every day about it.
Item/Toy We Love The Most: Your alligator. I love to see you take it apart. You figured it out right away [ahem, baby genius].
Item/Toy You Love The Most: The newly discovered Pooh Bear book. It crinkles...it has teether parts...it has a handle...what's not to love? Oh, and your hands still. You actually prefer your hands over nursing now-a-days!
Things I'm Loving Most Right Now: You hug me now when I'm holding you. You smile when I say "momma." Your laugh. Doing mini-Superman with you, tummy time [still], cuddles. I love how you follow me with your eyes when I walk out of a room.
Things You're Loving Most Right Now: Standing. Sitting up. "Rockabye Baby." Rolling from your stomach to your back [multiple times a night]. Kicking in the bath. Talking [Dad had to leave a meeting we were having with the other Primary teachers because you just had so many opinions you wanted to share!]
We started Holden's 4 Monthday Celebrato with a cranky H. I passed him off to Uncle Robert [who apparently moonlights as a baby whisperer] and his usual birthday pattern followed...