Crazy, Worklittlew8

>life as a stay at home/working mom

Crazy, Worklittlew8

>When I first agreed to working at home, I honestly thought it would be easy-peesy. No stress. Granted, I was first approached with the idea when Holden was a newborn and nursing for literally half the day. I sat around a lot. I watched a lot of TV. I thought, "I might as well be doing something productive while I sit here." I didn't actually start working from home until last week {Holden will be 3 months on the 13th}. I don't know if I would use the word hard to describe it. I can say that my stress level has gone up quite a bit. Allan works full time and schools full time so that leaves 95% of the housework up to me. On top of house work is actual work. On TOP of housework and work is Holden. I'm not complaining. I love my life. I really do enjoy being busy {I would much rather be busy than bored}. It's just a lot. I'm sure a lot of you wear just as many hats as I do and probably more. Kudos to you! Give yourself a big pat on the back because you're wonder woman.

Here is Holden helping mommy work:

{Please don't look too closely at me. I'm wearing zero make up. Who am I kidding? I hardly ever wear make up anymore...who has the time?}

Please leave any similar experiences you have had and things that help you deal with the stress :P. Don't say chocolate. 

-Little Wife Power House