Holden, Sleeplittlew8


Holden, Sleeplittlew8

>Don't say I didn't warn you :) I am one proud momma today! Last night we decided to try transitioning to the crib for a full night's sleep. I had been toying with the idea for a few days and finally decided to just go for it. I was nervous because (as I told you all before) Holden sleeps on his stomach. I may have checked on him throughout the night...at least I didn't sleep in there on the floor like I really wanted to! It was nice having our bed back but I really missed him. It's a little early (he'll be two months on Monday) but I really felt like he was ready. I also didn't want him to get wise on the fact that we were in bed with him every night (he never warmed to his Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper for some reason). He did great! He woke up once at 3:45, ate, and went right back to sleep until 8:30. What a good boy!! I, on the other hand, could not go back to sleep until 6:15. Blah. Oh well, I got to read some, take a bath, mess around online..it was kind of nice. Okay, I'm done.


Now I'm really done :)

-Little Wife Power House