
>The Gratitude Challenge: Day Nineteen



Day nineteen:
I'm grateful for my health. 

It's days like this [when I'm sick] that I am especially grateful for my [usually] great health. I was around Allan for the past few weeks that he has been sick and know who got me sick? A Sunbeam [one of the four-year-olds we teach at church] last Sunday. kids = crazy germs. I'm grateful that my family is lacking any major illnesses. I'm grateful we can all see [as long as I have my thick glasses on]. I'm grateful that we can all hear. I'm grateful that we can all walk and run [well obviously not H yet!] I'm grateful that [I believe thanks to H being breastfed] Holden hasn't caught what Allan or I had/have. I'm grateful for all of these things and more. 

-Little Wife Power House